Film Review: Silent Rage (1982)

So, I realized that I own a good number of films on DVD that I haven't watched before. Same case with a bunch of public domain ones I got off the Internet Archive. So, I figured, why not finally watch them and do reviews while I'm at it? If I could get screenshots from the films on my DVR and the ones I watch in theaters, I'd do some of those, too, but whatever. I'm expecting most of these DVD and downloaded films to be bad, so this might be pretty fun. And I'm going to spoil the heck out of these things because I'm going to dissect them as much as I want. Also, I'll probably review other films I own on DVD that I have watched before. Actually, I'll review anything I darn well please. Okay? Just expect a Manhunter review after I actually read Red Dragon . Because that film is great, you guys. The very first victim of this blog's film reviews is the 1982 sci-fi action Chuck Norris slasher film, Silent Rage . First off, you must understand th...