Felix Leiter - CIA Agent, Private Eye, and Victim of Commercialized Fan Fiction

Felix Leiter. Probably the closest thing James Bond has to a good friend. It's hard to tell that in the movies, though, since he's been played by a different guy nearly every time he's been on-screen. (top row) Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter (bottom row) Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter, Felix Leiter Despite being a recurring character in the books, Ian Fleming never really gave us much background on Felix prior to assisting Bond while in the employ of the CIA and Pinkerton Detective Agency. So, that's where Edward F. Koehler, PhD comes in. I was casually exploring Wikipedia, as I often do, and I ended up on the Felix Leiter page. As a seasoned Wiki editor, my eye caught a bit of something that seemed promotional rather than encyclopedic: Written with speech-to-text by Gomer Pyle So, I thought that maybe this was referring to a pair of new Bond books I somehow had not heard of. I consulted Google and found s...