Future Blog Plans
You're probably reading this because you have at least a passing interest in my blog. Well, currently, I'm working on a follow-up to my post about commercialized James Bond fanfic . But here I'll go through a few ideas I have for future blog posts. Specifically, plans I have for reviews. Exploring the Star Wars Expanded Universe Recently, I began posting old drafts I had of Star Wars video game reviews, which I intend to be part of a sporadic blog series, Exploring the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Right now, it is only video games, but I intend to expand (ha) this series to books. In fact, I had written a review for Heir to the Empire after re-reading it last summer. Didn't do that for Dark Force Rising or The Last Command, but hopefully I can manage to refresh myself with the Wookieepedia articles and write some reviews. I intend to eventually read every single Expanded Universe book, play every game, and so on,...